ICIS Attendees: pls. consider attending the AIS Senior Scholar Slam, Dec. 15, 6-7pm -- theory-free fun for all! No registration needed!

Claudia Loebbecke claudia.loebbecke at uni-koeln.de
Wed Nov 27 19:17:19 EST 2024

Dear IS friends and colleagues,

If you will attend ICIS in Bangkok, please consider attending the AIS Senior
Scholar Slam, Sunday, December 15, from 6-7 pm in Thai Chitlada 1-2 (2nd
floor) near the registration area. Posters and postcards at the registration
area will show the way.

Have you ever seen a senior scholar finish their talk after exactly one
minute J?! This will be the occasion: The Senior Scholar Slam is a small,
special ICIS side event; it is one hour (German timing!) of fun that lets
you "see" and hear more than 40 AIS Senior Scholars - just before the ICIS
opening reception!

Advice: Be on time, otherwise your favorite senior scholar will be done
before you arrive. So, there will be no theory, no alcohol, no
registration-fee, no repetition, no recording, and no references or taking
notes, just "live" fun!

With many thanks to all the scholars who you will "see" on stage, I am
looking forward to seeing many of you in Bangkok -- Claudia (Loebbecke)

 <http://www.mtm.uni-koeln.de/team-loebbecke-home-engl.htm> Professor Dr.
Claudia Loebbecke, M.B.A.
 <http://www.mtm.uni-koeln.de/> Dept. of Media and Technology Management 
University of Cologne, Germany
 <http://www.aisnet.org/> Association for Information Systems (AIS):
<http://www.aisnet.org/> AIS Honorary Lifetime Member,
<http://start.aisnet.org/?FellowAward> AIS Fellow 2012,
<https://aisnet.org/?PresidentialGallery> AIS President 2005-2006
 <http://www.fulbright.de/> Fulbright Liaison Professor, University of



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